The Fascinating Landscapes Of The Pilbara

The Pilbara is a land of contrasts, rich with many natural wonders. Temperatures are generally high and the sky clear. During a stay in the area, take time to discover the fascinating landscapes of the national parks that time has taken millions of years to carve. Karijini National Park is the most popular of them, but some other parts of the region are also worth a look. This is the case with the Millstream Chichester National Park, which covers 200,000 hectares 150 kilometers south of Dampier. Cliffs and winding tree-lined rivers are spectacular. The park also hosts natural rock pools including the magnificent isolated Python Pool (photo). Beyond their beauty, these waters are also gifts of nature when you walk in temperatures exceeding 40°C. If you plan to spend time in the area, take precautions because there is no drinking water for hundreds of kilometres around.

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